Standards used/referenced:
IES LM 84: Measuring Luminous Flux and Colour Maintenance of LED Lamps, Light Engines, and Luminaires
AS/NZS 60598.1: Luminaires General Requirements and Tests
Test details:
ISTM is the thermal measurement of the LED source chip within the LED system (luminaire or lamp) while it is in its designed operating position, as per the manufactures installation instructions.
The measurement is performed at the temperature measurement point (Tc Point) indicated by the LED package manufacturer.
The results of the test can then be used to calculate maintenance projections for the luminaire.
ISTM test is required as part of the New South Wales Energy Saving Scheme (ESS / IPART) and the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU / VEET) scheme in Victoria for LED luminaire. As per requirements, In-situ temperature measurement test (ISTMT) report conducted on one sample using Section 12.4.1 of IEC 60598.1 from a laboratory accredited by NATA or equivalent body to perform that test. The ISTMT must be conducted in accordance with Annex A of IES LM-84. Light Science is NATA accredited to produce ISTM test report.
Report inclusions:
The in-situ report will include: The manufacturers’ information and specifications, photos of the luminaire and thermocouple location/s, thermal results, and electrical characteristics of the luminaire system including drive current of the LED chip.
For a sample test report, please contact us.